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施祖祥 贸发局总裁 500万至600万元(视乎表现)
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Spring Annotation


The most common annotation in Spring would include @Component, @Repository, @Service and @Controller.

@Component is the generic term for Spring Bean. @Repository, @Service and @Controller are subclass of @Component. They have specific usage in Spring Framework. @Repository represent a Spring Bean in Persistent Layer. @Service represent a Spring Bean in Service Layer.@Controller represents a Spring Bean in Presentation Layer.


@Controller specify a Class as a Spring Bean in Presentation Layer of Spring Web MVC Framework. It would work with other annotations such as @RequestMapping, @PathVariable, @RequestParam, @MatrixVariable, @RequestHeader, @RequestPart, @SessionAttribute, @RequestAttribute, @ModelAttribute, @ResponseBody.

By default, the scope of Spring Bean annotated with @Controller is Singleton

@RequestMapping and @ResponseBody

@RequestMapping could be place above a class or a method. It would specify a request method or URL that would be handled. @ResponseBody specify the return type would be written to HTTP response body.

public class ExampleController {

  public String handle(){
    return "Hello World";


@Repository specify a class as a Spring Bean of Data Access Object (DAO) in Spring Frameowork. It provide support for DataAccessException which is a generic exception for technology-specific exception such as SQLException, HibernateException and JDOExcpetion. It provide access to DataSource through @Autowired, @Inject, @Resource, @PersistenceContext. Also,  Spring Framework would handle the transaction management in its Data Access Object annotated with @Repository.


@Service is more specific than @Component. It indicate the class as a Business Service Facade. Currently, no specific support is added @Service to make it very different from @Component.

Server Sent Event


Web API provide an interface to receive server-sent events. It would connect to a server over HTTP and receives events in text/event format without closing the connection.

var eventSource = new EventSource("");

Once message is received from the server, the follow-up action would be triggered.

eventSource.onmessage = function(event){
  // the data of the event can be found on event.data

Not all browser support Server Sent Event API

Feature Chrome Firefox (Gecko) Internet Explorer Opera Safari
 Basic support 9 6.0 ? 11 5